Thursday, 21 May 2020

Dear everyone

This morning I spent a very jolly hour chatting to Matt Kitson of Driftwood Cinema. For a couple of hours a week he takes over Wigtown Community Radio with Desert Island Flicks. Each guest picks their top ten films and he has a chat to them about them and their life. This week he asked me to take part*. 

Matt had done a good job of cyberstalking researching things about me so, of course, my blog came up. When he asked about it I said, "it's really a love letter. It's a love letter to Ivie, to his family and to his friends. They've all embraced me and included me and only occasionally laugh at me when I've asked a really stupid question" (like the one that prompted the name of the blog).

So I wanted to let you all know how much I enjoy being part of the gang.

Ivie's big 5-0

Before I moved to D&G, one of my friends laughed and said, "you'll probably end up living with a farmer." I thought she was wrong for so many reasons:

  • I figured farmers ate meat and two veg for every meal and I quite like noodles.
  • I assumed they all wanted to get hitched and I've been there, done that with no desire to do it again.
  • I thought that farmers preferred their partners to know stuff about cows and sheep and crop rotation (I didn't know about spread rates then but if I had I'd have added that to the list).

Luckily I was wrong for so many reasons. 

  • Ivie is a lot more adventurous in his tastes, some that even require chopsticks. 
  • He has absolutely no plans to make an honest woman of me. 
  • He couldn't care less that I barely know the difference between the NFU and the NFL.
Chopstick Training

I love the small part I play in Ivie's farming life but what I love most is the big part the farming world now plays in mine. ♡♡♡

*My films in case you're wondering:

  1. The Blues Brothers
  2. Lost in Translation
  3. Whisky Galore
  4. The Wickerman
  5. Trainspotting
  6. Made of Honour
  7. Gregory's Girl
  8. Moulin Rouge
  9. The Shining
  10. To Kill a Mockingbird


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